Press information OK spektral
Station Rose: Electronic Habitat 03
Date: March 19 – April 30, 2004
Curator: Roland Schöny
Station Rose are considered among the pioneers of techno and multimedia culture and continue to consistently draw connecting lines between pop and visual art, between sound, music, performance and various visual forms of expression today.
For the series O.K spektral Elisa Rose and Gary Danner have developed a multifaceted exhibition landscape consisting of different zones, which leads into the sound-image worlds of Station Rose, providing an opportunity to comfortably linger and stay. The central nodes are derived from the artist duo's current production phase and consist of objects that can be entered, whose multicolored design is generated from the flow of audio-visual compositions. Dynamic digital image worlds that emerge in the course of Station Rose webcasts are translated directly into stills, forming the basis for the arrangement of habitats with an object-like character. Their appearance is reminiscent of spatial separation elements that create island-like situations, which in turn make it possible to immerse oneself in sounds and projections. The state of pause meets the digital flow.
In this spatial situation furnished with Electronic Habitats and with sounds and screens, Station Rose conjoin their current development with themes and forms of expression from past years.
Since the founding of Station Rose, Elisa Rose and Gary Danner have presented themselves as leading figures in cultural forms that are permanently moving and dissolving genres. This is what the art space with the label name "Station Rose", founded in Vienna, already stood for. Its conception was located in the field of intersection between alternative space, producer gallery and meeting place for the scene. There the artist duo conducted thematic exhibitions, such as the art and music project "Flags and Hymns" with relevant celebrities such as Helmut Mark, Caspar Brützmann, F.M. Einheit or Gerwald Rockenschaub. Symposia and workshops were organized and multimedia field studies were carried out with computer, scanner & sampler. Stringently linked with this were the group's legendary "Gunafa Clubbings".
With their relocation to Frankfurt / Main, Station Rose expanded the form of their performances, improvising more often live over audio-visual basic patterns. They have appeared at Cyberthon and Joypad in San Francisco, at the Transmediale in Berlin, at VIPER in Basel, the ICA in London, Le Batofar in Paris, and others.
In the late 90s Station Rose started doing live webcasting, which they saw as the logical continuation of their audio-visual MIDI performances. Parallel to these streams, the duo began working on the production of a series for Hessian Television in May 2002.
With the installation "Electronic Habitat 03", which was specially produced for the series O.K spektral, the Frankfurt am Main-based Station Rose make their first guest appearance in a long time in their home town of Linz.
Station Rose
Station Rose are Elisa Rose and Gary Danner
Studied romance languages and art history; University of Applied Art, graphic art and fashion (with Karl Lagerfeld), graduated 1987.
Numerous exhibitions and group exhibitions, since 1983 joint projects with Gary Danner: performances, concerts, fashion shows, videos. Founded "Station Rose in 1988 in Vienna. Elisa Rose conceives and realizes the visual part of Station Rose, technical work is also one of her focal points.
Studied: Visual Design at the Art College Linz; graphic art at the University of Applied Art Vienna, graduated 1987.
Numerous group exhibitions, since 1983 joint projects with Elisa Rose:
Performances, concerts, fashion shows, videos, concerts in Austria and England 1979 – 1987, The Vogue: "The Frozen Seas of Io" reached second place in the Austrian Hit Parade in 1980. Founded "Station Rose" in 1988 in Vienna. Gary Danner conceives and realizes the acoustic part of Station Rose.
STATION ROSE/STR was founded in 1988 by Elisa Rose (Visuals) & Gary Danner (Sound) in Vienna as a public multimedia laboratory. Since its foundation, the spectrum of STR activities has ranged from CD, vinyl and CD-Rom productions, art production, research on the topic of virtual realities, and generating symposia, all the way to lectures and performances, exhibitions in galleries, museums, universities and off-spaces. Station Rose relocated in 1991 to Frankfurt am Main and went online at the same time. Their Gunafa Clubbings were founded in 1992 as the first techno/multimedia club in Europe that was also online.
Station Rose have been STReaming regularly since 1999 on
Since 2002 Elisa Rose & Gary Danner teach Media Production at the Fachhochschule Darmstadt.
Exhibitions and Performances:
(selection 1988-2003)
Galerie Martina Detterer,Frankfurt,
World Wide Video Festival, Amsterdam
Kuenstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt
"Cybersonica", ICA, London
Kuenstlerhaus Bregenz
Transmediale, Berlin
Museum Ludwig, Köln.
Ars Electronica, Linz,
MAK/Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Vienna,
Cyberthon, San Francisco
Steirischer Herbst, Graz
"37 Räume", Berlin Auguststrasse.
"Next 5 Minutes 3 Festival", Amsterdam
Museumsquartier Wien
Le Batofar, Paris
VIPER Festival,CH
Kunstverein Salzburg
Joypad @Blasthaus!", San Francisco,
Generali Foundation Vienna
WMF, Berlin.
1st decade & private://public