Gunafa - Pop, MIDI & Virtual Community (1997-98)
"Phosphoric Brain Massage" CD extra / artist contract with Sony Music - TREE EP and Video /Sony Music - Musik im Internet FH Frankfurt - Montreal International Festival of Cinema and New Media - Flying Network Party - Technoscope Steirischer Herbst - Cosmic Circus Festival - Ars Electronica workshop & lecture - Popkomm 97 - Nature One Festival - Sunflower Festival - ELECTRIC MINDS - Construction Sounds MuseumsQuartier Vienna - Multimedia Field Research in California, USA - Kunstradio Station Rose Jingle 1998 "The First Decade" -1st Decade The Book - 1st Decade Booktour -Transmediale 98 Berlin

Sony deal and Electric Minds, Frankfurt conference, performances at techno festivals, CD Extra production, betatester for the MIDI-sequencer software x<>pose on from 7.96, later multimedia jam sessions in the studio and at live gigs with synchronized grafix and sound over MIDI. Big step towards multimedia band - start of the STATION ROSE newsletter, one of the first independent art-newsletters worldwide.
The 1st STR-online conference at Electric Minds started 10.96, after earlier experiments/editorial jam sessions at The WELL and Howard Rheingolds THE Brainstorms. Name: Frankfurt Conference.
Hosting a Virtual Community means continuing the STR-shop in Vienna, which is comparable in opening hours, organising projects, symposia, clubbings.
To communicate dislocated and publish multimedia in Realtime is an important experience inside the Web.
The Gunafa Newsletters were started in 1996.
Gunafa - newsletter 05:
Welcome to the Station Rose Newsletter 05, 1996.
This time I am the writer of the newsletter. I have a good reason for that. Station Rose just completed the studio-move to a new physical location. Busy weeks are behind us. We are @home in a building in the 16th&17th floor in Frankfurt since 4 weeks & we are BACK in the Net!
We have an overview of the city in any direction - ensemble avec ISDN. A magic place. Analogue meets digital.
After our "Digital Cocooning-Phase" having lasted for a year or so, Gary & me were thrown into RL on from spring. We had to leave cyberspace for so very analogue reasons. A funny reality, cause shortly before that moment happened, we got e-mail by JonathanE., a Microtimes journalist , sending the message:
"Dont be so damn virtual".
We had to live so much time in RL. We had to morph our Frankfurt studio No.1 into the new one,
& WE MOVED real objects - computers, keyboards, modems, monitors, clothes, boots, books & shelves, carpets, tables, lamps, guitars, plants, papers,...) - by hand.
Meanwhile our newsletter-avatar Fett Tedget, who btw is more into analogue anyway, had the same thing going on->moving to a new place. These are the News from Frankfurt, btw- many interesting humans are moving these days- a big morph of habitats here. WE ARE THE FIRST ONES TO BE BACK !
We are already working on broadcasting over the internet once a week in realtime & and we updated our site.
so please check it out! Until soon so, n-joy that hot summer 96 ! Life is wonderful !
Elisa Rose
P.S.: I just got a phone call by Fett 1 hour ago, and we fixed a meeting for next week.
Newsletters so far:
Issue Newsletter 04 may/june 96:
THE ASPECTS OF SOUND & MUSIC in the multimedia-concept of Station Rose.
Issue Newsletter 03 march-april 96:
Newsletter 01: January 96.
Newsletter 02: February 96.