1st decade. The Book.
station rose 1st decade.
1988-98. 10 years of native multimedia art.
Sample 04/88: der ausgang dieser geschichte findet überall statt.
Texts by Elisa Rose, Gary Danner, F.E.Rakuschan, Timothy Leary, Geert Lovink, Thomas Hettche, Petra Klaus, Micky Remann, David Hudson, Terence McKenna, Michael Behrendt, Bea Stammer/Gabriele Horn, Howard Rheingold, Christoph Tannert, Fett Tedget, Micky Kwella.
204 pages, german/partly english, with many illustrations, bw & color, 20 x 22,5 cm, 600 grams.
1st decade has been released at the frankfurt book fair in october ´98.
A) Wien Start Up Sequence (1988)
B) Cairo - you have home in egypt (1988-89)
C) back in the western world (1989-90)
D) Frankfurt & Cyberspace (1991-92)
E) drag & drop (1993- 94)
F) Digital Cocooning (1995-96)
G)unafa: Pop, MIDI & Virtual Community(1996-98)
the 10-year-history of station rose hypermedia. The historical facts are presented as a documentary report & in the typical graphical STR-style, including original documents, PR clips, icons, morphs, samples & texts. moments in time - like e.g. the viennese phase (morphing the city from postmodern to digital), cairo or cyberspace/frankfurt - are made transparent with narrative sequences, combined with evidence out of station rose´s "digital archive". The "digital archive" provides an enormous amount of data, let STR grab what they needed: multimedia field-research in egypt with a little help of GUNAFA, multimedia field-research in california 1991/92/95, their connection with the german techno scene since 91, digital cocooning experience & their virtual community, cd s & cdroms with a major company. the media/art theory concerning Station Rose has been provided by writers who know STR´s work from the startup sequence in vienna until now = LAH/Life After History.