Just a Click away (2001)
transfer.net" Styrian Autumn Graz - "Smoother than STRange" clip at VIVA - Borderhack 2.0- Bauhaus University Weimar - 10 years online - Webcasts live@home No. 129- 152 - Bayrischer Rundfunk t.u.b.e - V-Stream21 Linz - Spring Tour 2001 - Clicks & Cuts 2 - International DeeJay Gigolos/Dave remixed - EMAF - "Webcast Lounge" at Art Frankfurt -Inkwell.vue

Sie sind Multimedia-Aktivisten im wahrsten Wortsinn: Audios, CDs, CD-ROMs, Fotos, Videos, Bücher oder Live-Sendungen im Internet – es gibt kaum ein Medium, das Gary Danner und Elisa Rose alias Station Rose noch nicht zur Verbreitung ihrer Werke benutzt haben. Regelmäßig schicken die beiden Wahl-Frankfurter aus ihrem Heim-Studio Live-Bilder, -Sounds und -Gesprächsstunden auf die Datenautobahn. Die spannendsten Web-Talks, die sie mit Experten über „Echtzeit“, „Clubkultur“, „Avatare“ und natürlich „Webcasting“ geführt haben, servieren Station Rose nun auf Deutsch und Englisch in einem schicken Taschenbuch, das vor allem Spezialisten gefallen wird.
Journal Frankfurt, 02/2001
They are multimedia activists in the truest sense of the word: audios, CDs, CD-ROMs, photos, videos, books or live broadcasts on the Internet - there is hardly a medium that Gary Danner and Elisa Rose aka Station Rose have not yet used to distribute their works. The two Frankfurters by choice regularly send live images, sounds and conversation hours from their home studio to the information superhighway. Station Rose is now serving the most exciting web talks with experts about “real time”, “club culture”, “avatars” and of course “webcasting” in German and English in a chic paperback that will appeal to specialists in particular.
Journal Frankfurt, 02/2001
Short before 9/11, the music scene and -industry was at the peak of its power. The techno-subgenre "clicks and cuts" was its most promising branch at that time, and Station Rose contributed to the Mille Plateaux-sampler "Clicks and Cuts 2" with the composition "Smoother Than Strange". As the music industry (over- as well as underground) had ignored hypermedia, and especially the Web for so long, its comedown was imminent at that point.