Station Rose Kunstradio Jingle 2019 U> <N <> I <<< T >>> A

#Urbana Natura in_hancing_The_Augmented & vice versa is an extended audiovisual installation, an exhibition "Out of Nature into Urban Augmented Space & Back again".

The ensemble of nature, urban and extended spaces shows the already existing deep interweaving of these seemingly independent levels and forms of life.

Patterns have been essential in STATION ROSE's (STR) digital image and sound language since 1988.

Nature also appears as a pattern, urban plants are fed into the microscope by Elisa Rose. Nature has long played an important role and its integration into urban space is extremely necessary.

STR coined the terms "Digital Land Art", "Urban Digital Land Art" and "Nature Is Cool / NiC".

U> <N <> I << T >> A
improve in_hance propagate
urbana natura augmentata

Station Rose Jingle 2019  U>< N<>I<<< T >>>A       01.09.2019